
Recent Henry Grimes videos

History is * still * in the making!

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See and hear Henry Grimes with Christian McBride, Roy Campbell, and
John Zorn at a Benefit Concert for The Under_Line on Dec. 12th, 2O12
(thank you, Don Mount)

Hear a full set by the Marc Ribot Trio featuring Henry Grimes and Chad Taylor in concert at the Village Vanguard on June 27th, 2O12 at and / or wbgo/video.

See and hear Henry play the dirty low-down arco blues with Marc Ribot and Chad Taylor (thanks, Marie Carrier!)

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See and hear Henry play the beautiful ballad “I’ll Get By As Long as I Have You” with Marc Ribot and Chad Taylor (filmed by Hank Cherry and crew)

Now, isn’t this a shame? We arranged for Hank Cherry to be able to film this concert, as well as several others, back in 2010 because he said he wanted to make a Henry Grimes documentary, and we really liked that idea. But after we arranged for access for Mr. Cherry and crew to film several concerts and several interviews, he went on Kickstarter and raised $7,500 from Henry’s fans and friends to make the documentary, after which we never saw Hank Cherry again, even though we had another two dozen concerts and a list of interviews lined up for him to film, including a festival and a master class in Hank Cherry’s own home town. And he won’t even let Henry put a few minutes of his film onto Henry’s own Web site (see above). Worse still, now in 2013, we hear that Hank Cherry is back trying to raise more money from Henry’s fans and friends with another crowd-sourcing campaign. Beware, dear people! There are some shameless exploiters and opportunists out here.

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See and hear Henry improvise a blazing violin solo, with Darius Savage, Avreeayl Ra, Mars Williams, et al., “Violin Song for Fred Anderson” (thank you, Zoe Pili!)

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See and hear Henry improvise a beautiful violin solo invocation for his dear friend Fred Anderson’s 1st memorial birthday concert on March 22nd, 2O11 at the Jazz Showcase in Chicago (thanks again, Marie Carrier!)

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See and hear Henry improvise an orchestrally vibrant solo, “Stone Communion,” on his beautiful green bass, Olive Oil (thank you again, Zoe, and thank you forever, William Parker!)

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See and hear Henry improvise a beautiful slow solo on his green bass, referencing the spiritual “Let My People Go,” w/ the great Edward “Kidd” Jordan, on Henry’s 75th birthday, Nov. 3, 2O1O, at the Stone in NYC (thank you, Joe Chonto!)

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A short solo by Henry Grimes playing “St. Thomas” with a large group at the Jazz Foundation benefit concert honoring our hero Sonny Rollins at the Apollo Theater, Oct. 22nd, 2015:

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And there are some 70,000 more videos of Henry Grimes or with Henry in them on YouTube; just enter Henry’s name in the search box at youtube and the links will come up.


Not a video, but our favorite radio documentary and interview with Henry Grimes:



For bookings, high-resolution photos, interviews, further information, or to purchase a recording or book by the NEW Henry Grimes, please contact Margaret Davis Grimes: Email, voicemail 212-841-O899