Press Photos
Press and publicists: To obtain high-resolution images (suitable for use in print), please click the thumbnails below; then, on the larger image that opens, either right-click and select “save image as…” (on a PC), or drag the larger version to your desktop (on a Mac). NOTE: Because these are high-resolution images, it may take several moments for the larger image to open on your screen. Also, depending on what browser you use, printing these photos directly from the Web may not work out well, so save them in your computer instead, and then print from there.
Please be sure to give photographer credits (as shown in the file names and/or attributions) if you use photos! They are friends of ours who have donated the photos free of charge and only ask that their photographer credits be shown. And they are artists too! So please respect them accordingly.
NOTE: We have permission for free use of the photos EXCEPT for commercial purposes (such as CDs, T-shirts, and other items for sale).
Publications: Please Email for photographer contact information to arrange for publication fee: <Email>.
For more high-res photos or information, please contact: <Email>.
Should you find the procedures unworkable or difficult, here are some high-res photos via direct link (please be sure to show the photographer credit:
For bookings, high-resolution photos, interviews, further information, or to purchase a recording or book by the NEW Henry Grimes, please contact Margaret Davis Grimes: Email, voicemail 212-841-O899