
 Henry Grimes Discography


The information below has been selected from a more detailed discography compiled by researcher Michael Fitzgerald, which includes composition titles and alternate takes for many of Henry Grimes’s recordings from the ‘5Os and ‘6Os, and some scant entries on Henry’s post-2OO2 recordings, with many details lacking.  The Fitzgerald discography can be seen here:  jazzdiscography.  Recordings since 2003 have been added to our own discography here by Margaret Davis Grimes, and details on these were forwarded to Mr. Fitzgerald regularly until it became obvious that, for whatever reasons, he was not utilizing the updates.

For each recording session shown below, releases containing only a portion of the titles recorded on that date are listed first, followed by releases on which all titles appear.

Many bootleg recordings have been omitted from this list.

For purchase information for legitimate releases, please visit the “Store” page.

Date: September 1957
Location: New York City
Label: Debut
Released as: Original Jazz Classics CD: OJCCD-1821-2 - Debut Rarities, vol. 3 (1993)

Shafi Hadi (ldr), (ts), Pepper Adams (bari), Clarence ‘Gene’ Shaw (t), Wynton Kelly (p), Henry Grimes (b), Dannie Richmond (d)

Date: October 22, 1957
Location: Nola Studios or Olmsted Studios?, New York City
Label: Verve LP 12″: MGV 8281 - Tranquility

Lee Konitz (ldr), Lee Konitz (as), Billy Bauer (g), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Bailey (d)

Date: November 16, 1957
Location: New York City
Label: Seeco
Released as: LP 12″: CELP 425 - The Modern Art Of Jazz
- Carlton LP 12″: STLP12/113 - Free Blown Jazz
- Perfect LP 12″: PL 12010 - My Kind Of Jazz
- All titles on: -Fresh Sound CD: FSR CD-160/2 - A Day In New York (1991)

Tony Scott (ldr, cl), Sahib Shihab (bari), Jimmy Knepper (tb), Clark Terry (t), Bill Evans (p), Henry Grimes (b), Milt Hinton (b), Paul Motian (d)

Date: December 3, 11, and 17, 1957
Location: Coastal Studios, New York City
Label: Pacific Jazz
Released as:
- Pacific Jazz LP 12″: PJ-1241 - Quartet With Chet Baker
- Pacific Jazz CD: CDP 7 46857 2 - Reunion (1988)
- Playboy LP 12″: PB 1958 - The Playboy Jazz All-Stars, vol. 2
- Mosaic LP 12″: MR5-103 - The Complete Pacific Jazz And Capitol Recordings Of The Original Gerry Mulligan Quartet And Tentette With Chet Baker (1983)
- Mosaic CD: MD3-102 - The Complete Pacific Jazz And Capitol Recordings Of The Original Gerry Mulligan Quartet And Tentette With Chet Baker (1989)
All titles on: -Mosaic CD: MS 021 - Mosaic Select 21 - Gerry Mulligan

Gerry Mulligan (ldr), Gerry Mulligan (bari), Chet Baker (t), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Bailey (d)

Date: December 4 & 5, 1957
Location: Coastal Studios, New York City
Label: Pacific Jazz
Released as:
- World Pacific LP 12″: WP 1237 - The Gerry Mulligan Songbook
- World Pacific LP 12″: ST 1001 - The Gerry Mulligan Songbook
- Pacific Jazz CD: CDP 7243 8 33575 2 9 - The Gerry Mulligan Songbook (1995)
- All titles on: -Mosaic CD: MS 021 - Mosaic Select 21 - Gerry Mulligan

Gerry Mulligan (ldr), Allen Eager, Zoot Sims (as, ts), Lee Konitz (as), Al Cohn (ts, bar), Gerry Mulligan (bari, arr), Freddie Green (g), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Bailey (d), Bill Holman (arr)

Date: December 11 & 17, 1957
Location: Coastal Studios, New York City
Label: Pacific Jazz
Released as:
- World Pacific LP 12″: WP 1253 - Annie Ross Sings A Song With Mulligan
- All titles on: -Mosaic CD: MS 021 - Mosaic Select 21 - Gerry Mulligan
- Pacific Jazz CD: CDP 7 46852 2 - Annie Ross Sings A Song With Mulligan (1988)

Gerry Mulligan, Annie Ross (ldr), Gerry Mulligan (bari), Chet Baker (t), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Bailey (d), Annie Ross (v)

Date: April 30, 1958
Location: CBS Timex TV Show, New York City
Label: [television broadcast]
Released as:
- Kings Of Jazz LP 12″: KLJ 20031 - Timex Jazz Show
- Radiola LP 12″: MR-1095 - The Second Timex All-Star Jazz Show (1979)

Gerry Mulligan (ldr), Gerry Mulligan (bari), Art Farmer (t), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Bailey (d)

Date: July 4, 1958
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: Columbia LP 12″: C2-38262 - Newport Jazz Festival Live (Unreleased Highlights) (1982)

Benny Goodman (ldr), Benny Goodman (cl), Skippy Colluchio, Ernie Mauro (as), Rudy Rutherford, Buddy Tate (ts), Gene Allen (bari), Billy Butterfield, Bernie Glow, Taft Jordan, Doc Severinsen (t), Eddie Bert, Vernon Brown, Frank Rehak (tb), Kenny Burrell (g), Roland Hanna (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Burns (d), Jimmy Rushing, Martha Tilton (v)

Date: July 4, 1958
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as: Giants Of Jazz LP 12″: GoJLP 1011

Benny Goodman (ldr), Benny Goodman (cl), Skippy Colluchio, Ernie Mauro (as), Rudy Rutherford, Buddy Tate (ts), Gene Allen (bari), Billy Butterfield, Bernie Glow, Taft Jordan, Doc Severinsen (t), Eddie Bert, Vernon Brown, Frank Rehak (tb), Kenny Burrell (g), Roland Hanna (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Burns (d), Jimmy Rushing, Martha Tilton (v)

Date: July 6, 1958
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as: FDC LP 12″: 1024 - Newport Jazz 1958-59

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d)

Date: July 6, 1958
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
- FDC LP 12″: 1024 - Newport Jazz 1958-59
- Phontastic CD: NCD 8813 - Newport Jazz Festival, vol. 1 - Mostly Miles
- All titles on: -Philology CD: W 65-2 - From Newport To Nice (1992)

Lee Konitz (ldr), Lee Konitz (as), Henry Grimes (b), Ed Levinsohn (d)

Date: July 6, 1958
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as: FDC LP 12″: 1025 - Newport Jazz Festival,



Thelonious Monk (ldr), (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d).   This trio is seen in the documentary “Jazz on a Summer’s Day,” presently on view at www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py-5K2R92Wg, from 09:30 min’s in to 12:53, playing “Blue Monk” (renamed “Monkery’s the Blues” by Abbey Lincoln when she added lyrics); the documentary “Jazz on a Summer’s Day” is also available on DVD for purchase from Amazon.com and possibly elsewhere

Date: July 7, 1958
Location: New York City
Label: Park
Released as: MusicMasters CD: CIJ 60201 - The Yale University Music Library, vol. 4 - Big Band Recordings (1992)

Benny Goodman (ldr), Benny Goodman (cl), Gene Allen (bari), Billy Butterfield, Buck Clayton, Taft Jordan, E. V. Perry (t), Eddie Bert, Vernon Brown, Harry DeVito (tb), Kenny Burrell (g), Roland Hanna (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Burns (d), Martha Tilton (v), Sid Feller, George Williams (arr)

Date: July 10, 1958
Location: Beltone Studios, New York City
Label: MGM
All titles on: -Verve LP 12″: V 8430 - Brass/Trio
- Metrojazz LP 12″: E 1002 - Sonny Rollins And The Big Brass
- Verve CD: 314 557 545-2 - Sonny Rollins And The Big Brass (1999)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Charles ‘Specs’ Wright (d)

Date: July 11, 1958
Location: Metropolitan Studios, New York City
Label: MGM
Released as:
- Verve LP 12″: V 8430 - Brass/Trio
- Metrojazz LP 12″: E 1002 - Sonny Rollins And The Big Brass
- All titles on: -Verve CD: 314 557 545-2 - Sonny Rollins And The Big Brass (1999)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Reunald Jones, Ernie Royal, Clark Terry (t), Nat Adderley (c), Billy Byers, Jimmy Cleveland, Frank Rehak (tb), Don Butterfield (tu), Rene Thomas (g), Dick Katz (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d), Ernie Wilkins (arr, con)

Date: July 14, 1958
Location: Capitol Studios, New York City
Label: Park
Released as:
- Playboy LP 12″: PB 1958 - The Playboy Jazz All-Stars, vol. 2
- MusicMasters CD: CIJ 60142 - The Yale University Music Library, vol. 1 - Never Before Released Recordings (1988)

Benny Goodman (ldr), Benny Goodman (cl), Skippy Colluchio, Ernie Mauro (as), Dick Hafer, Buddy Tate (ts), Gene Allen (bari), John Frosk, Taft Jordan, Buzz King, E. V. Perry (t), Eddie Bert, Vernon Brown, Harry DeVito (tb), Chuck Wayne (g), Roland Hanna (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Burns (d), Mladen ‘Bobby’ Gutesha, André Previn, George Williams (arr)

Date: August 9, 1958
Location: Half Note, New York City
Label: Jazz Records
All titles on: -Bombasi LP 12″: 11235 - Charlie The Bird Parker & Lennie Tristano
- Jazz Records LP 12″: JR-6 - Continuity
- Jazz Records CD: JR-6 (CD) - Continuity

Lennie Tristano (ldr), Warne Marsh (ts), Lennie Tristano (p), Henry Grimes (b), Paul Motian (d)

Date: March 2, 1959
Location: Nalen club, Stockholm, Sweden
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
- Bird Notes EP 7″: -
- Dragon LP 12″: DRLP 73 - St. Thomas
- DIW CD: DIW-387
- Dragon CD: DRCD 229 - St. Thomas (1993)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Pete LaRoca Sims (d)

Date: March 4, 1959
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
- Ingo LP 12″: 9 - Sonny Rollins In Sweden 1959
- Jazz Hour CD: JHR 73552 - Oleo
- All titles on: -Dragon LP 12″: DRLP 73 - St. Thomas
- DIW CD: DIW-387
- Dragon CD: DRCD 229 - St. Thomas (1993)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Pete LaRoca Sims (d)

Date: March 4, 1959
Location: Södra Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden
Label: [television broadcast]
Released as: -Ingo LP 12″: 9 - Sonny Rollins In Sweden 1959
- DIW CD: DIW-387
- Dragon CD: DRCD 229 - St. Thomas (1993)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Joe Harris (d)

Date: March 5, 1959
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as - Jazz Hour CD: JHR 73552 - Oleo
- Moon CD: MCD 015 - Sonnymoon For Two (1990)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Pete LaRoca Sims (d)

Date: March 11, 1959
Location: Aix-en-Provence, France
Label: Royal Jazz CD: RJ 502 - Aix-en-Provence, 1959 (1989)
- Jazz Hour CD: JHR 73552 - Oleo

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Kenny Clarke (d)

Date: February 4, 1960
Location: The Prelude restaurant, New York City
Label: - Riverside LP 12″: RLP-1168 - Uptown
- Riverside LP 12″: RLP-12-319 - Uptown
- Original Jazz Classics CD: OJCCD-1901-2 - Uptown (1997)

Billy Taylor (ldr), Billy Taylor (p), Henry Grimes (b), Ray Mosca (d)

Date: March 26, 1960
Location: New York City
Label: Sesac LP 12″: N3001/02 - Custom Taylored
-Riverside LP 12″: RLP-12-339 - Warming Up
-Fresh Sound CD: FSR-CD 205 - Custom Taylored (1993)
-Milestone CD: MCD 47103 - Warming Up! (2004)

Billy Taylor (ldr), Billy Taylor (p), Henry Grimes (b), Ray Mosca (d)

Date: probably 1960
Location: New York City
Label: Urania
All titles on: - Panorama LP 12″: PLP 2008 - Be My Guest
- Jazz Kings LP 12″: 1220 - Rolf Kuhn Orchestra
- Urania LP 12″: 1220 - Sounds Of Jazz
- Fresh Sound CD: FSR-CD-326 - Sounds Of Jazz (2002)

Rolf Kühn (ldr), Rolf Kühn (cl), Jack Sheldon (t), Chuck Wayne (g), John Bunch (p), Henry Grimes (b), Ray Mosca (d)

Date: June 30, 1960
Location: New York City
Label: Columbia
Released as:
- Epic LP 12″: BN 26183 - Mose Allison Sings And Plays V-8 Ford Blues
- Epic LP 12″: 16031 - Mose Allison Takes To The Hills
- Columbia LP 12″: C 30564 - Retrospective
- Epic Legacy CD: 57878 - Mose Allison Sings And Plays V-8 Ford Blues
- Epic LP 12″: LN 24183 - Mose Allison Sings And Plays V-8 Ford Blues
- All titles on: -Columbia LP 12″: CL 1565 - I Love The Life I Live
- Columbia Legacy CD: J3K-64275 - High Jinks (1994)
- Columbia Legacy CD: CK 57880 - I Love The Life I Live (1994)

Mose Allison (ldr), Mose Allison (p, v), Henry Grimes (b), Paul Motian (d)

Date: 1961
Location: Huntington Station, NY
Label: Jazz Unlimited LP 12″: JA 1000 - The Carmen Leggio Group (1961)
-Leggio CD: 1321 - Leggio’s Legacy Of Sleepy Hollow (2005)

Carmen Leggio (ldr), Carmen Leggio (ts), John Bunch (p), Henry Grimes (b), Ray Mosca (d)

Date: October 10, 1961
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Impulse! -LP 12″: A-9 - Into The Hot (1962)
-MCA/Impulse! CD: MCAD-39104 - Into The Hot (1988)
-GRP/Impulse! CD: IMPD-270 - Mixed (1998)

Cecil Taylor (ldr), Jimmy Lyons (as), Archie Shepp (ts), Ted Curson (t), Roswell Rudd (tb), Cecil Taylor (p), Henry Grimes (b), Sunny Murray (d)

Date: November 17, 1961
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Prestige CD: PRCD-11027-2 - Queen Of The Organ - Memorial Album (2003)
All titles on: -Prestige LP 12″: PR 7240 - Shirley Scott Plays Horace Silver

Shirley Scott (ldr), Shirley Scott (org), Henry Grimes (b), Otis ‘Candy’ Finch (d)

Date: ca. 1962
Location: New York City
Label: Roulette LP 12″: R 52095 - Skin Burns

Roy Burns (ldr), Carmen Leggio (ts), John Bunch (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Burns (d)

Date: ca. 1962
Location: Plaza Sound Studios, New York City
Label: Riverside Jazzland LP 12″: JLP 78 - Something Big

Metronomes (ldr), Les Spann (g), Junior Mance (p), Henry Grimes (b), Grady Tate (d), Paul Benson, Conrad Moore, Julius Robinson, Charles ‘Woody’ Woodford (v), Melba Liston (arr, con)

Date: 1962, possibly February
Location: Medallion Studio, Newark, NJ
Label: Savoy
All titles on: -byg LP 12″: 529.159
- Savoy LP 12″: MG 12177 - Funk Dumpling (1962)
- Savoy Jazz LP 12″: SJL 1180 - Funk Dumpling (1987)
- Savoy Jazz Cassette: SJK 1180 - Funk Dumpling (1987)
- Savoy Jazz CD: SV-0255 - Funk Dumpling (1994)

Perry Robinson (ldr), Perry Robinson (cl), Kenny Barron (p), Henry Grimes (b), Paul Motian (d)

Date: April 1962
Location: New York City
Label: United Artists LP 12″: 14006 - Going To The Movies
-United Artists LP 12″: 15006 - Going To The Movies

Jerome Richardson (ldr), Jerome Richardson (f, ts, bar), Les Spann (f, g), Richard Wyands (p), Henry Grimes (b), Grady Tate (d)

Date: May 5, 1962
Location: Birdland, New York City
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
-Tempi di Jazz CD: CDTJ 704 - Charles Mingus
-Jazzman CD: JM 11741 - In Concert (1993)

Charles Mingus (ldr), Charles McPherson (as), Booker Ervin (ts), Richard Williams (t), Toshiko Akiyoshi (p), Charles Mingus (p, b), Henry Grimes (b), Herman Wright (b), Dannie Richmond (d)

Date: May 12, 1962
Location: Birdland, New York City
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
-J For Jazz LP 12″: JFJ 802 - Broadcasts
-Tempi di Jazz CD: CDTJ 704 - Charles Mingus
-Jazzman CD: JM 11741 - In Concert (1993)

Charles Mingus (ldr), Charles McPherson (as), Booker Ervin (ts), Richard Williams (t), Toshiko Akiyoshi (p), Henry Grimes (b), Charles Mingus (b)

Date: May 16, 1962
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Impulse! LP 12″: A-23 - Out Of The Afternoon (1962)
GRP/Impulse! CD: GRD-180 - Out Of The Afternoon (1996)

Roy Haynes (ldr), [Rahsaan] Roland Kirk (ww), Tommy Flanagan (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d)

Date: May 23, 1962
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: - Impulse! LP 12″: A-23 - Out Of The Afternoon (1962)
- GRP/Impulse! CD: GRD-180 - Out Of The Afternoon (1996)

Roy Haynes (ldr), [Rahsaan] Roland Kirk (ww), Tommy Flanagan (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d)

Date: November 14, 1962
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: - Impulse! LP 12″: A-33 - Reaching Fourth (1963)
- GRP/Impulse! CD: IMPD-255 - Reaching Fourth (1998)

McCoy Tyner (ldr), McCoy Tyner (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy Haynes (d)

Date: January 15, 1963

Location: Falkonercentret, Copenhagen, Denmark
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
- Moon CD: MCD 053-2 - Rollins Meets Cherry, vol. 1 (1994)
- Moon CD: MCD 054-2 - Rollins Meets Cherry, vol. 2 (1994)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Billy Higgins (d)

Date: January 17, 1963
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Label: Landscape CD: LS2-915 - Live Mid-60s (1992)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Billy Higgins (d)

Date: January 19, 1963 - second concert
Location: Olympia Theater, Paris, France
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as:
- Jazz Anthology CD: JA 5241 - Jazz In Europe
- Moon CD: MCD 054-2 - Rollins Meets Cherry, vol. 2 (1994)
- Bandstand CD: BDCD 1502 - European Concerts
- Bandstand CD: BS 18007 - European Concerts (1995)
- All titles on: -Magnetic CD: MRCD 101 - Live In Paris 1963

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Billy Higgins (d)

Date: January 29, 1963
Location: Liederhalle, Stuttgart, Germany
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as: - Jazz Anthology LP 12″: JA 5235 - Stuttgart 1963
- Jazz Connoisseur LP 12″: JC 106 - Stuttgart 1963 Concert

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Billy Higgins (d)

Date: February 20, 1963
Location: New York City
Label: RCA Victor LP 12″: LSP 2725 - 3 In Jazz
-Bluebird CD: 2496-2-RB11 - On The Outside (1991)
-BMG CD: 07863 52725-2 - 3 In Jazz (1994)
-RCA CD: 68675 - The Complete Sonny Rollins RCA Victor Recordings (1997)
-BMG CD: 09026-63479-2 - Sonny Meets Hawk (1999)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Sonny Rollins (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Billy Higgins (d)

Date: March 1963
Location: Phase Two Coffeehouse, New York City
Label: Emanem LP 12″: 3316 - School Days (1975)
-QED LP 12″: QED 997 - School Days (1979)
-hat ART CD: 6140 - School Days
-hat ART CD: 587 - School Days (2002)
Label: Emanem CD: 5016 — School Days (2011), copyright Martin Davidson, plus “Evidence” & “Straight No Chaser” added (2006), originally issued on RLR (CD) 88623 “with worse sound and the wrong date.”  These two pieces (tracks 8 and 9) are played by a different group:  Steve Lacy, Charlie Rouse (ts), John Ore (b), & Roy Haynes (d).

Steve Lacy (ldr), (ss), Roswell Rudd (tb), Henry Grimes (b), Denis Charles (d)

Date: March 24, 1963
Location: Gotham Studios, New York City
Label: Dauntless LP 12″: DM 4312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless LP 12″: DS 6312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless CD: DC 6004 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (2002)

Bill Barron (ldr), Bill Barron (ts), Willie Thomas (t), Kenny Burrell (g), Kenny Barron (p), Henry Grimes (b), Charli Persip (d), Jose Soares (per)

Date: March 25, 1963
Location: Gotham Studios, New York City
Label: Audio Fidelity
Released as: Dauntless LP 12″: DM 4313 - Jazz Impressions Of “Lawrence Of Arabia” (1963)
-Audio Fidelity LP 12″: AFSD 6217 - Vibes In Motion (1968)

Walt Dickerson (ldr), Walt Dickerson (vib), Austin Crowe (p), Henry Grimes (b), Andrew Cyrille (d)

Date: March 27, 1963
Location: Gotham Studios, New York City
Label: Dauntless LP 12″: DM 4312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless LP 12″: DS 6312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless CD: DC 6004 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (2002)

Bill Barron (ldr), Bill Barron (ts), Willie Thomas (t), Clifton ‘Skeeter’ Best (g), Steve Kuhn (p), Henry Grimes (b), Charli Persip (d), Jose Soares (per)

Date: March 28, 1963
Location: Gotham Studios, New York City
Label: Dauntless LP 12″: DM 4312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless LP 12″: DS 6312 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (1963)
-Dauntless CD: DC 6004 - West Side Story Bossa Nova (2002)

Bill Barron (ldr), Bill Barron (ts), Willie Thomas (t), Kenny Burrell (g), Steve Kuhn (p), Henry Grimes (b), Charli Persip (d), Jose Soares (per)

Date: July 6, 1963
Location: Newport Jazz Festival, Newport, RI
Label: [radio broadcast]
Released as: FDC LP 12″: 1025 - Newport Jazz Festival

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Coleman Hawkins, Sonny Rollins (ts), Paul Bley (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy McCurdy (d)

Date: July 18, 1963
Location: RCA Studio B, New York City
Label: RCA Victor LP 12″: LSP 2712 - Sonny Meets Hawk (1963)
-Bluebird CD: 2179-2-RB - All The Things You Are (1990)
-RCA CD: 68675 - The Complete Sonny Rollins RCA Victor Recordings (1997)
-BMG CD: 09026-63479-2 - Sonny Meets Hawk (1999)

Sonny Rollins (ldr), Coleman Hawkins, Sonny Rollins (ts), Paul Bley (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roy McCurdy (d)

Date: February 24, 1964
Location: Atlantic Recording Studios, New York City
Label: Debut
LP 12″: DEB 146 - Spirits
-Freedom CD: FCD 741018 - Witches And Devils (1988)

Albert Ayler (ldr), Albert Ayler (ts), Norman Howard (t), Henry Grimes, Earle Henderson (b), Sunny Murray (d)

Date: February 24, 1964
Location: Atlantic Recording Studios, New York City
Label: Debut
Released as: Osmosis LP 12″: 4001 - Swing Low, Sweet Spiritual
All titles on: -Black Lion CD: BLCD 760197 - Goin’ Home (1994)

Albert Ayler (ldr), Albert Ayler (ss, ts), Call Cobbs (p), Henry Grimes (b), Sunny Murray (d)

Date: June 26, 1965
Location: Starlight Lounge, Philadelphia, PA
Label: [private recording]
Released as: Cullen Knight Music CD: CKM-319 - The Life And Times Of Cullen Knight, volume 1 (1962-1986)
Cullen Knight Music CD: CKM-320 - The Life And Times Of Cullen Knight, volume 2 (1965-1999)

Cullen Knight (ldr), Cullen Knight (t), Fred Simmons (p), Henry Grimes (b), Bill Byrd (d)

Date: August 12, 1965
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Impulse! LP 12″: A-97 - On This Night (1966)
Impulse! LP 12″: IA 9357/2 - Further Fire Music
All titles on: -GRP/Impulse! CD: GRD-125 - On This Night (1993)

Archie Shepp (ldr), Archie Shepp (ts, p), Bobby Hutcherson (vib), Henry Grimes (b), Rashied Ali, J. C. Moses (d), Joe Chambers (d, tmp), Ed Blackwell (per), Christine Spencer (v)

Date: September 10, 1965
Location: Village Gate, New York City
Label: [television broadcast]
Released as: Ozone LP 12″: 19

Cecil Taylor (ldr), Jimmy Lyons (as), Cecil Taylor (p), Henry Grimes (b), Andrew Cyrille (d)

Date: September 23, 1965
Location: Judson Hall, New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1020 - Spirits Rejoice

Albert Ayler (ldr), Charles Tyler (as), Albert Ayler (ts), Donald Ayler (t), Call Cobbs (hps), Henry Grimes, Gary Peacock (b), Sunny Murray (d)

Date: November 11, 1965
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1023 - Frank Wright Trio
-ESP-Disk CD: ESP 1023-2 - Frank Wright Trio
-ESP-Disk CD: 4007 - The Complete ESP-Disk Recordings (2005)

Frank Wright (ldr), Frank Wright (ts), Henry Grimes (b), Tom Price (d)

Date: ca. November 17, 1965
Location: (Crown Heights area), Brooklyn, NY
Label: Jihad LP 12″: 663 - Sonny’s Time Now
DIW LP 12″: DIW-25002 - Sonny’s Time Now
DIW LP 7″: DIW-850925 - The Lie
All titles on: -DIW CD: DIW-355 - Sonny’s Time Now

Sunny Murray (ldr), Albert Ayler (ts), Don Cherry (t), Henry Grimes, Lewis Worrell (b), Sunny Murray (d), Amiri Baraka (spk)

Date: December 18, 1965
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1024 - Burton Greene Quartet
-ESP-Disk CD: ESP 1024-2 - Burton Greene Quartet

Burton Greene (ldr), Marion Brown (as), Frank Smith (ts), Burton Greene (p, per), Henry Grimes (b), Dave Grant, Tom Price (d)

Date: December 24, 1965
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Blue Note LP 12″: BST 84226 - Complete Communion (1966)
-Mosaic CD: MD2-145 - The Complete Blue Note Recordings Of Don Cherry (1993)
-Blue Note CD: 7243 5 22673 2 3 - Complete Communion (2000)

Don Cherry (ldr), Leandro ‘Gato’ Barbieri (ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Ed Blackwell (d)

Date: December 28, 1965
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1026 - The Call
-ESP-Disk CD: ESP 1026-2 - The Call

Henry Grimes (ldr), Perry Robinson (cl), Henry Grimes (b), Tom Price (d)

Date: February 4, 1966
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1029 - Charles Tyler Ensemble
-ESP-Disk CD: ESP 1029-2 - Charles Tyler Ensemble

Charles Tyler (ldr), Charles Tyler (as), Charles Moffett (bel), Henry Grimes (b), Ronald Shannon Jackson (d), Joel Freedman (vc)

Date: May 19, 1966
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Blue Note LP 12″: BST 84237 - Unit Structures (1966)
All titles on: -Blue Note CD: CDP 7 84237 2 - Unit Structures (1987)

Cecil Taylor (ldr), Makanda Ken McIntyre (ob, bcl, as), Jimmy Lyons (as), Eddie Gale (t), Cecil Taylor (p), Henry Grimes, Alan Silva (b), Andrew Cyrille (d, per)

Date: September 19, 1966
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Blue Note LP 12″: BST 84247 - Symphony For Improvisers (1967)
-Mosaic CD: MD2-145 - The Complete Blue Note Recordings Of Don Cherry (1993)
-Blue Note CD: CDP 7243 8 28976 2 0 - Symphony For Improvisers (1994)
-Blue Note CD: 7243 5 63823 2 9 - Symphony For Improvisers (2005)

Don Cherry (ldr), Pharoah Sanders (pic, ts), Leandro ‘Gato’ Barbieri (ts), Don Cherry (c), Karl Berger (vib, p), Henry Grimes, Jean Francois Jenny Clark (b), Ed Blackwell (d)

Date: October 6, 1966
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Blue Note LP 12″: BST 84260 - Conquistador
All titles on: -Blue Note CD: CDP 7 84260 2 - Conquistador (1989)

Cecil Taylor (ldr), Jimmy Lyons (as), Bill Dixon (t), Cecil Taylor (p), Henry Grimes, Alan Silva (b), Andrew Cyrille (d)

Date: November 11, 1966
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: Blue Note LP 12″: BST 84311 - Where Is Brooklyn? (1969)
-Mosaic CD: MD2-145 - The Complete Blue Note Recordings Of Don Cherry (1993)
-Blue Note CD: 0946 3 11435 2 6 - Where Is Brooklyn? (2005)

Don Cherry (ldr), Pharoah Sanders (pic, ts), Don Cherry (c), Henry Grimes (b), Ed Blackwell (d)

Date: November 15, 1966
Location: Van Gelder Studio, Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Label: -Impulse! LP 12″: AS 9138 - Tauhid
-GRP/Impulse! CD: GRD-129 - Tauhid (1993)

Pharoah Sanders (ldr), Pharoah Sanders (pic, as, ts, v), Sonny Sharrock (g), Dave Burrell (p), Henry Grimes (b), Roger Blank (d), Nat Bettis (per)

Date: December 8, 1966
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk LP 12″: ESP 1041 - From Now On

Karl Berger (ldr), Carlos Ward (as), Karl Berger (vib), Henry Grimes (b), Ed Blackwell (d)

Date: December 8, 1966
Location: New York City
Label: ESP-Disk 1044 LP 12″ - Marzette Watts And Company
(“Backdrop for Urban Revolution”)

Marzette Watts (ldr), Byard Lancaster (f, bcl, as), Marzette Watts (bcl, ss, ts), Clifford Thornton (t, c), Karl Berger (vib), Sonny Sharrock (g), Art ‘Juini’ Booth, Henry Grimes (b), J. C. Moses (d)

Date: December 18, 1966
Location: Village Vanguard, New York City
Label: Impulse! - LP 12″: IA 9336/2 - The Village Concerts
- Impulse! LP 12″: AS 9155 - In Greenwich Village (1967)
- All titles on: -GRP/Impulse! CD: IMP 22732 - Live In Greenwich Village - The Complete Impulse Recordings (1998)

Albert Ayler (ldr), Albert Ayler (ts), Donald Ayler (t), Call Cobbs (p), Bill Folwell, Henry Grimes (b), Beaver Harris (d), Michel Samson (vn)

Date: June 1, 2003
Location: WKCR-FM Studios, New York City
Label: JazzNewYork Productions - More Call

Performance was all recorded, but only approximately 40 minutes were broadcast as the conclusion of the 103-hour Henry Grimes Festival on WKCR-FM. The entire performance has been issued on CD and is available through musicmargaret [@] earthlink.net or +212-841-0899.

Henry Grimes, solo bass

Date: November 23, 2003
Location: Universal Rehearsal Studio, New York City
Label: Daagnim CD 9 - Nile River Suite (2004)

Dennis Gonzalez (ldr), Roy Campbell, Jr. (f, t, fh), Sabir Mateen (f, cl, acl, as, ts), Dennis Gonzalez (t), Henry Grimes (b), Michael Thompson (d, per)

Date: May 31, 2004
Location: Vision Festival at Old St. Patrick’s Center, New York City
Label: Splasc(H) World #H885 (2006) - William Parker, Requiem

Wiilliam Parker (b, ldr), Henry Grimes (b), William Parker (b), Alan Silva (b), & Sirone (b), plus Charles Gayle (as)

Date: June 5, 2004
Location: Kerava (Finland) Jazz Festival at Keudatalo House
Label: Ayler Records CD #AYL-CD-028 - Live At The Kerava Jazz Festival (2005)

Henry Grimes (ldr), David Murray (bcl, ts), Henry Grimes (b), Hamid Drake (d)

Date: July 16, 2004
Location: WKCR-FM, New York City
Label: [radio broadcast]
All titles on JazzNewYork Productions - Sublime Communication

Henry Grimes (ldr), Andrew Lamb (f, ts), Henry Grimes (b), Newman Taylor Baker (d)

Date: October 27, 2004
Location: Tonic, New York City
Label: Pi Recordings CD #15 - Spiritual Unity (2005)

Marc Ribot (ldr), Roy Campbell, Jr. (t), Marc Ribot (g), Henry Grimes (b), Chad Taylor (d)

Date: October 28, 2004
Location: Orange Music Sound Studios, West Orange, NJ
Label: Pi Recordings CD #15 - Spiritual Unity (2005)

Marc Ribot (ldr), Roy Campbell, Jr. (t), Marc Ribot (g), Henry Grimes (b), Chad Taylor (d)

Date: October 22, 2005
Location: Kerrytown Concert Hall, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Label: JazzNewYork Productions - Sublime Communication 2: Live at Edgefest (2006)

Henry Grimes (ldr, b), Andrew Lamb (reeds, flutes), and Newman Taylor Baker (drums, percussion)

Date: October 27, 2005
Location: WFHB, Bloomington, Indiana
Private issue (2009)

The Henry Grimes Trio: “For Ibn Pori” featuring Henry Grimes (leader, acoustic bass), Andrew Lamb (tenor saxophone, flute, clarinet, small instruments), Avreeayl Ra (drum kit, percussion, bamboo flute, mbira, small instruments), and special guest Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts (spoken word), recorded by Mike Chrastil, Production Director, and broadcast over WFHB, Bloomington, Indiana. This is a limited-edition collector’s item CD available only from Aaron Ibn Pori Pitts’s family as a fund-raiser to help with his medical expenses; the musicians have waived all compensation for this recording. Tragically, Ibn Pori suffered a massive stroke in 2OO8, was in a coma for two years, and has been on the slow road to recovery, heavily impaired, ever since.  Contact <Email> or <Email> for purchase information.

Date: December 17, 2005
Location: Peter Karl Studio, Brooklyn, New York
Label: RKM Music #1123 - Luis Perdomo, Awareness (2006)

Luis Perdomo (piano, leader), Hans Glawischnig and Henry Grimes (b), Eric McPherson and Nasheet Waits (d)

Date: July 1, 2006
Location: ModernFormations Gallery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Label: Not Two Records #MW 787-2 - The Power of Light (2007)

Oluyemi Thomas (bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, musette, gong, flute, percussion) and Henry Grimes (bass)

Date: March 20, 2007
Location: WKCR Studios, New York City
Label: Porter Records #PRCD 4005 - Going to the Ritual (2008)

Henry Grimes (ldr, bass, violin, voice) and Rashied Ali (drum kit)

Date: March 22, 2008
Location: Peter Karl Studio, Brooklyn, New York
Label: ILK Music #151 double CD set - Henry Grimes Solo (2009)

Henry Grimes (ldr, bass, violin), a more than 2&1/2-hour continuous improvisation session alternating between solo bass and solo violin

Date: May 29, 2008
Location (for the Trombone Tribe cuts only): The Clubhouse, Rhinebeck, New York
Label: Sunnyside SSC 1207 (2009) - Roswell Rudd Trombone Tribe

Roswell Rudd’s Trombone Tribe, w/ Roswell Rudd, Steve Swell, and Deborah Weisz (trombones), Henry Grimes (bass, violin), Bob Stewart (tuba), and Barry Altschul (drums) [tracks 2, 5, 7, 8, & 9]; + Gangbe Brass Band of Benin, w/ Magloire Ahouandjinou and Eric Yovogan (trumpet), Martial Ahouandjinou (trombone), Benoit Avihoue and Crespin Kpitiki (percussion), Lucien Gbaguidi (saxophone), and James Vodounnon (tuba), [tracks 1 and 11 through 15]; + Ray Anderson, Eddie Bert, Sam Burtis, Wycliffe Gordon, Josh Roseman, Roswell Rudd (trombones) and Barry Altschul (drums) [tracks 3 & 4]; + Bonerama, w/ Greg Hicks, Craig Klein, Mark Mullins, Roswell Rudd, & Steve Souter (trombones), Eric Bolivar (drums), Bert Cotton (guitar), and Matt Perrine (Sousaphone) [track 6]; + Sex Mob, w/ Steve Bernstein (slide trumpet), Briggan Krauss (alto saxophone), Marcus Rojas (tuba), Roswell Rudd (trombone), Tony Scherr (bass), Kenny Wollesen (drums) [track 10]

Date: June 14, 2008
Location: Vision Festival, Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, New York City
Label: Porter Records PRCD-4032 (2009), Profound Sound Trio, “Opus de Life”

Profound Sound Trio: Andrew Cyrille (d), Paul Dunmall (t.s., bagpipes), Henry Grimes (bass, violin)

Date: March 22, 2009
Location: Velvet Lounge, Chicago, IL
Label: Delmark DVD-1589 (2009), Fred Anderson, “21st Century Chase”

Fred Anderson (t.s.), Harrison Bankhead (bass, cello), Henry Grimes (bass, violin), Edward “Kidd” Jordan (t.s.), Jeff Parker (gtr), Chad Taylor (d)

Date: February 7, 2009
Location: Gordon Theatre, Camden Center for the Arts, Rutgers University
Label: Porter Records PRCD-4049 (2010), “Spirits Aloft “

Henry Grimes (ldr, bass, violin, poetry) and Rashied Ali (drum kit)

Date: November 26, 2010
Location: in concert at The Stone, New York City
Label: ScienSonic

Scott Robinson (ldr, brass, winds), Marshall Allen (alto saxophone, EVI), Pat O’Leary (bass), Kevin Norton (drums, perc.), + special guest Henry Grimes (bass, violin).  [This has been released, but with poor audio quality on Henry’s instruments, and so it is not recommended.]

Date: June 22nd, 2011 (Henry Grimes track)
Location: Peter Karl’s recording studio, Brooklyn, NY
Title: Monk Mix: Remixes and Reinterpretations of music by Meredith Monk
Label: The House Foundation for the Arts
Henry Grimes solo reinterpretation of “Evening,” remixed by D.J. Spooky (Paul Miller)
Also included on this CD are remixes and reinterpretations by Bjork, King Britt, Don Byron, Latasha Nevada Diggs, Scanner Entwine, Miho Hatori, John Hollenbeck and Theo Bleckmann, Arto Lindsay, Rubin Kodheli, Vijay Iyer, Matt Marks, Paul Miller (DJ Spooky), Meredith Monk, High Priest / HPRIZM Ghostlover, Lee Ranaldo, DJ Rekha and RajStar, Todd Reynolds, Shodekeh’s Embody & Continuums, Caetano Veloso, and Pamela Z.


Dates: June / July, 2012
Location:  Village Vanguard, NYC
Label:  Pi Recordings, “Marc Ribot Trio Live at the Village Vanguard”
Released May 13, 2014

Marc Ribot (ldr, guitars), Henry Grimes (upright bass, violin), Chad Taylor (drums)


Date:  May 17, 2013
Location:  Lo Spazio, Poschiavo, Switzerland
Label:  Uncool Edition #2
Title:  “The Tone of Wonder”
Released in 2014

Henry Grimes, solo, entirely acoustic, bass, violin (+ 2 poems  and an original art work by Henry Grimes on the cover)


Date:  2015, released 2016
Location:  IK Recording Studios, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Label:  Jam All Productions, JAP-8
Title:  Spark / Fire

Jamaaladeen Tacuma (leader, electric & double bass); Nazir Ebo (drums, flute); Justin Faulkner, drums; Henry Grimes (double bass, violin); Tim Motzer (guitar, electronics); Odean Pope (saxophone); Heru Shabaka-Ra (trumpet).  SPECIAL NOTE:  The youngest of these musicians was 15 at the time (Nazir), and the eldest was 80 (Henry), and this alliance of the deepest dedication, devotion, and inspiration was formed and has been sustained by the great Jamaaladeen Tacuma.  Be blessed!  (But the recording really needed top-quality mixing and mastering, which it has not received.)


ALSO AVAILABLE:  Barbara Frenz’s biography of Henry Grimes, “Music to Silence to Music,” with foreword by Sonny Rollins, published by Northway Publications in London in 2015, <inpressbooks link>,  available in the U.S. from Amazon.com, <Amazon link>.





Date: February 17, 2011
Location: in concert at Roulette, New York City
Label: t.b.a.

Roscoe Mitchell (ldr, saxophones), Dave Burrell (piano), Henry Grimes (acoustic bass, violin), Tani Tabbal (drums)

Dates:  June 15, 2012 and July 10, 2011
Locations:  Vision Festival 17, held at Roulette in Brooklyn, and Zurcher Studio, NYC
Title:  “Fulfillment” ©
Label:  t.b.a.

Henry Grimes (acoustic bass, violin) and Wadada Leo Smith (trumpets)




(more will be posted soon)


For bookings, high-resolution photos, interviews, further information, or to purchase a recording or book by the NEW Henry Grimes, please contact Margaret Davis Grimes: Email, voicemail 212-841-O899